
96-Well Ultra-Filtration Plates

Source: Millipore Corporation
Microcon 96 assemblies are available for collection of either filtrate or retentate
Microcon 96 assemblies are available for collection of either filtrate or retentate. The assemblies, offered in two variations, feature 96 pre-loaded Microcon YM filter units for rapid centrifugation of 100 to 300µL volumes of protein or nucleic acid samples, which allows users to concentrate and purify up to 96 aqueous samples simultaneously.

The design of this new holder and individual filter unit array results in highly reliable filtrate transfer into the 96-well plate, making it ideal for protein removal from serum or plasma samples prior to ADME/Tox and pharmacokinetics protein binding assays. Similarly, the assemblies are ideal for general concentration and purification of protein or nucleic acid samples.

Low-binding Microcon YM centrifugal filter units are proven for use in dilute protein solutions and serum drug binding studies, and the 96 well plates are made from low-binding plastic. This assembly is automation- and liquid handling system- friendly, and it can be spun in any standard microtiter plate carrier.

Millipore Corporation, 80 Ashby Road, Bedford, MA 01730. Tel: 800-MILLIPORE; Fax: 800-645-5439.